Justice League

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1. The Justice League is a team made up of typically the greatest superheroes in the DC Comics universe.

Core Members typically include Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Green Lantern, Aquaman and The Martian Manhunter.

The team first appeared in The Brave and The Bold and soon gained its own title. Its origin began when Earth was infilitrated by various competing alien warriors sent to the planet to see who could conquer it first. While most of the invaders were defeated by the superheroes individually, most of them were enslaved by one competitor and only by working together did they manage to defeat him. The group decided that they should form a permanent organization to confront menaces that require similar poolings of resources and dubbed it the Justice League of America.

This team has served for years fighting menaces, often working with their precursors, The Justice Society of America.

This comic was among the most popular of DC Comics, but eventually became overshadowed by Marvel Comics' equivalent, The Avengers in sales and quality. Various writers tried to include more complex characterization into the JLA comic, but it proved to be an uneasy fit. Eventually, in a attempt to emulate the success of DC's most successful comic, The Teen Titans, most of regular members left the team to be replaced by young unknowns. This move was highly unpopular with readers and DC had the team disbanded and rebuilt in the 1986 company wide crossover mini series, Legends.

The new series soon developed a quirky sense of tongue in cheek humour to the stories, while avoiding the obvious camp silliness of the 1960s Batman TV series. Eventually, by the mid 1990s, the Justice League regulars had fully returned in a more serious variant of what the team was before.

2. Justice League is also an animated series by Warner Brothers animation which features many of DC Comics greatest superheroes.