Justice League (TV series)
Justice League is an animated series about a team of superheroes which began airing in 2001 on Cartoon Network. It is based on the Justice League and associated comic book characters published by DC Comics.
History[edit | edit source]
Animators Bruce Timm and Paul Dini, having successfully adapted both Batman and Superman into animated television programs in the 1990s, took on the challenge of faithfully adapting the Justice League comic book. Ignoring the sidekicks, pets and silliness of the earlier Super Friends show, the line-up of this new JLA adaptation was created with two things in mind: To pay tribute to the original line-up of the Justice League of America while also reflecting racial and cultural diversity. Significantly, the well-known (but much-deprecated) superhero Aquaman was left out of the lineup in favor of a second female on the team - Hawkgirl - and the African-American Green Lantern John Stewart was used rather than either of the better-known modern-era Green Lanterns Hal Jordan and Kyle Rayner, even though Rayner had appeared as Green Lantern in the Superman animated series.
Characters[edit | edit source]
The seven members of the Justice League in the animated series are (in order of appearance in the introduction):
- Batman
- Wonder Woman
- Green Lantern (John Stewart)
- Superman
- The Martian Manhunter
- The Flash
- Hawkgirl
Episodes[edit | edit source]
Each episode ran 30 minutes per episode including commercials.
Season 1[edit | edit source]
- Justice League: Secret Origins - part 1 of 3
- Secret Origins - part 2 of 3
- Secret Origins - part 3 of 3
- In Blackest Night - part 1 of 2
- In Blackest Night - part 2 of 2
- The Enemy Below - part 1 of 2
- The Enemy Below - part 2 of 2
- Paradise Lost - part 1 of 2
- Paradise Lost - part 2 of 2
- War World - part 1 of 2
- War World - part 2 of 2
- The Brave and the Bold - part 1 of 2
- The Brave and the Bold - part 2 of 2
- Fury - part 1 of 2
- Fury - part 2 of 2
- Legends - part 1 of 2
- Legends - part 2 of 2
- Injustice For All - part 1 of 2
- Injustice For All - part 2 of 2
- A Knight of Shadows - part 1 of 2
- A Knight of Shadows - part 2 of 2
- Metamorphosis - part 1 of 2
- Metamorphosis - part 2 of 2
- The Savage Time - part 1 of 3
- The Savage Time - part 2 of 3
- The Savage Time - part 3 of 3
Season 2[edit | edit source]
- Only a Dream - part 1 of 2
- Only a Dream - part 2 of 2
- Twilight - part 1 of 2
- Twilight - part 2 of 2
- Tabula Rasa - part 1 of 2
- Tabula Rasa - part 2 of 2
- Maid of Honor - part 1 of 2
- Maid of Honor - part 2 of 2
- Hearts and Minds - part 1 of 2
- Hearts and Minds - part 2 of 2
- A Better World - part 1 of 2
- A Better World - part 2 of 2
- The Terror Beyond - part 1 of 2
- The Terror Beyond - part 2 of 2
- Eclipsed - part 1 of 2
- Eclipsed - part 2 of 2
- Hereafter - part 1 of 2
- Hereafter - part 2 of 2
- The Secret Society - part 1 of 2
- The Secret Society - part 2 of 2
- Comfort and Joy
- Wild Card - part 1 of 2
- Wild Card - part 2 of 2
Specials[edit | edit source]
- A League of Their Own - part 1 of 2
- A League of Their Own - part 2 of 2