Big Pussy Bonpensiero

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Sal "Big Pussy" Bonpensiero (mostly just called Pussy, although in an affectionate way), played by Vincent Pastore, was one of Tony Soprano's men on the fictional HBO TV series, The Sopranos.

Pussy was a very big and kind-hearted guy. He doted on his wife and kids and was a long-time friend of Tony's, helping him out in a number of areas. However, Pussy had three kids to raise and he wasn't receiving enough money through his work, so he began to work on the side operating in trafficking heroin. However, he was caught by the FBI and given the choice of either working for them as an informant against Tony Soprano and the family or facing the possibility of spending the rest of his life in prison.

Pussy worked for a while as an informant for the FBI, wearing a wire on occasion, but eventually Tony found out. On a boat ride with Tony, Sil and Paulie, they confronted him about being an informant and eventually killed him, wrapping him in chains and dumping him in the ocean.

See also: List of characters from the Sopranos.

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